T.R.U.S.T. Method

Establishing genuine trust with your prospects is more important than ever

The T.R.U.S.T Method is an acronym that stands for Transform Results by Understanding and Solving Problems Together.

In today’s fast-paced business world, establishing genuine trust with your prospects is
more important than ever. As a sales professional, I understand that trust is the foundation for building strong relationships and gaining new customers. But what exactly is trust, and how can we cultivate it effectively in our sales interactions? 

I have found a compelling definition of trust, drawing inspiration from bestselling author Simon Sinek. According to Sinek, trust is “a biological reaction that someone has our
best interest at heart.” This means that when we’re able to establish a deep level of rapport, trust, and respect with our prospects, they will genuinely believe that we have
their best interests in mind. This belief, in turn, enables them to make the best decision possible for their needs.

To receive the entire T.R.U.S.T. Method ebook free, book any 15-minute introductory time slot with Neal


The main objective of a T.R.U.S.T Strategy Session is to guide your prospects in making the best decision possible for their specific needs. This approach positions you as an advisor rather than a traditional sales professional, fostering a stronger, more genuine connection with your prospects. By adopting the T.R.U.S.T Method, you’ll be able to build lasting relationships with your clients and close more deals faster than ever before.

Acronym Breakdown


Transform Results: This is about helping your prospects achieve their desired outcomes. Your primary goal is to assist them in transforming their results, whether it’s increasing revenue, improving efficiency, or enhancing customer satisfaction.


Understanding: Before you can help your prospects transform their results, you need to understand their objectives and challenges. It’s essential to listen and gather insights into what they’re looking to achieve before presenting your solution.


Solving Problems: Once you’ve identified your prospect’s goals and challenges, work with them to address these issues. Present your product or service as a solution that can help them overcome their obstacles and achieve their desired


Together: The T.R.U.S.T Method emphasizes collaboration and partnership, moving away from an adversarial sales rep-client relationship. Instead, you become a trusted advisor,  working alongside your prospects to help them achieve their goals.